A revised Chairperson
Guideline 4, which provides updated support for the adjudication of cases involving gender-related issues, is anticipated to be published in early 2022–23, following a review of the Guideline which began in 2021–22. Further to the 2021–22 revisions to the Chairperson’s
Guideline 9 – Proceedings Before the IRB Involving Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB or the Board) will continue to implement its changes in 2022–23. The revised Guideline 9 provides enhanced guidance to decision-makers on refugee and immigration cases involving SOGIESC individuals through updated and clarified terminology along with changes that will help members identify myths and stereotypes and assess credibility. A review of Chairperson
Guideline 3 - Child Refugee Claimants and Chairperson
Guideline 8: Procedures with Respect to Vulnerable Persons Appearing Before the IRB, began in 2021–22 and will continue in 2022–23. The review of these Guidelines seeks to modernize guidance towards the adjudication of proceedings at the IRB involving minors and for individuals identified as vulnerable persons for reasons including gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and sex characteristics, as well as age, and mental or physical disabilities. |
All Programs | In its case management system, the IRB records a limited amount of information including gender, age, and country of origin on persons appearing before its four divisions. Recording this information allows the IRB to analyze its client base in a gender disaggregated and age stratified way. The IRB is working towards more systematically collecting information on decision-makers’ consideration of its Guidelines, including those on persecution related to gender and to sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, and sex characteristics, as part of the implementation of recommendations stemming from a review of Guideline 9. This will allow for more in-depth analysis of vulnerable persons appearing before its divisions. The IRB is committed to GBA Plus. The Board will continue to identify needs and gaps across the organization, in line with its capacity and mandate. The goal is to become more inclusive and to reduce systemic bias by understanding the diverse needs of all employees, including Members, and people appearing before the Board, regardless of sex, gender, or identity.