Practice notice: Communicating by electronic mail at the Immigration Division (ID)

This Notice sets out processes related to email communication with the Immigration Division (ID), including the procedures that hearing participants must follow when providing documents by email.

The ID encourages hearing participants to submit correspondence and other documents by email to the ID registry in each regional office whenever appropriate.

For the purpose of this Notice, hearing participants include the person concerned, counsel, Minister's counsel, bondspersons, and any designated representative.

Consent to communicate by email

On consent, the ID communicates with hearing participants by email. This includes all current and future proceedings at the ID. Unless consent is expressly revoked, the ID considers a hearing participant to have consented to communicate by email if they have at any time provided the ID or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with their email address.

If a hearing participant has provided their email address to the ID or CBSA, they are deemed to have also consented to receive correspondence related to their proceedings before the ID by email from any other party to the proceeding.

If the person concerned does not wish to receive correspondence by email from the ID, they must notify the ID and CBSA in writing. Once notice is received, the ID will remove the email address from the contact information on file for all current and future proceedings at the ID.

Correspondence that can be submitted by email

The following types of documents can be sent to the ID by email:

  • ID forms
  • Applications
  • Disclosure of documents
  • Written submissions
  • Responses to any request from the ID or the other party to the proceeding

All documents should be submitted in the form of an attached document to the email, except for short applications which can be written within the body of the email. The ID does not accept hyperlinks unless the content of the hyperlinked document is included.

Sending documents classified as Protected B or containing sensitive information

In order to protect private information, the ID uses the Microsoft Azure encryption feature. This allows the Division to send to hearing participants by email documents that are Protected B or contain sensitive information such as a confidentiality order or publication ban.

Instructions on submitting documents by email

Email content

  • For a public case, the sender must include the name of the person concerned, the applicable ID file number and Unique Client Identifier (UCI) in the subject line of the email. This information can be found at the top of any case-related correspondence from the ID. For questions on where to find this information, please contact the local ID registry office.
  • For a private case, the sender must include the ID file number, hearing date and the type of document attached to the email, if applicable, in the subject line of the email.
  • The email must contain the sender's name if the sender is not the person concerned.
  • All emails must be addressed to the ID registry office in the region where the hearing is taking place.
  • If the sender's email is not addressed to all the other parties to the proceeding, the sender must explain in the email how and when they have provided the submitted document to the other parties.

Attached documents

  • The total file size of an email, including all attachments, must not exceed 20 megabytes (MB). Emails with a file size of more than 20 MB risk not being successfully transmitted to all recipients. If a document is larger than 20 MB, it can be sent using Canada Post's Connect, MyCase, or contact the local ID registry office for direction.
  • Documents must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • Documents must contain the sender's name, the name of the person concerned, the ID File Number and UCI.
  • Documents must comply with the ID Rules for disclosure.
  • If a document provided is in colour, it will be printed in black and white (grey scale) for the case file.
  • For documents requiring a signature, an electronic (i.e., typewritten) signature is generally acceptable. If the document legally requires a handwritten signature (such as an affidavit), a scanned copy of the document is acceptable provided the sender keeps the original.

After an email is sent, the sender will receive an automated reply indicating that it was received by the ID. This email acts as an official confirmation of receipt and it may be advisable to print it for future reference. Please do not send a paper copy or duplicate copies if the document was submitted by email.

Non-conforming or inappropriate communications

Emails that do not comply with the above instructions may be returned to the party and the party will be directed to resubmit correctly. The ID may also refuse emails and return them to the sender if the sender is misusing the service by sending emails that are excessively lengthy, repetitive, or disrespectful to any other hearing participant or the ID.

When a document is considered received

When a document is provided by email that complies with the ID Rules and the instructions set out in this Practice Notice, the ID considers it received at the time and date indicated on the time stamp on emailed messages.

How to get help

Please contact the local ID registry in case of questions regarding the use of email to submit documents to the ID. Telephone numbers for the ID registry are available on the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) website.

​ID registry email addresses

Please use the appropriate email address below when communicating by email with the ID.

ID Western Region (ID file numbers starting with 0001-)

ID Central Region (ID file numbers starting with 0003-)

ID Eastern Region (ID file numbers starting with 0018-)

Signed on April 7, 2020

Amended May 21​, 2024

Greg Kipling
Deputy Chairperson, ID